Welcome to Our Blog

This blog was started to allow friends and family to see what is going on in our lives. Sit back, hold on and stay a while. It's going to be a bumpy road with a four year old and a newborn on board.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's finally clicked!

I'm sure several of you have been through this horrible, frustrating phase. You know the one I'm talking about. It's called P-O-T-T-Y T-R-A-I-N-I-N-G. We have been attempting to potty train my son who will be three next month for the past year unsuccessfully. He has been going to the potty by himself to pee for months now but if he had to do the dreaded #2 he would do it in his underwear and then tell you he needed changing. I mean who wants to sit in that mess! I don't understand. I have read articles and blogs, got advice from friends, talked to the doctor. Nothing that they've said has worked. A lot that I have read said though to not pressure him and when he's ready it will just CLICK. We didn't want to send him to kindergarten in diapers so we tried one more thing this week and I think it's finally worked. We would take away one toy for every time he pooped in his underwear and if he pooped in the potty he got the toy back. We only had to take one toy away and he hasn't pooped in his underwear since. We took his gun away because that is his favorite toy and then he said "Please don't take my weedeater away", so you guessed it we had already decided it would be the next to go. Hey, I know that four days without an accident does not mean that we're done but for us we've hit a milestone because he's NEVER actually told us he had to poop before and now he is, so me and my husband are on cloud nine.


  1. I am so glad its working whatever works is what you do all kids are different that's what makes him special and Tim's son he did things in his own time also he was a little spoiled lol but love ya'll before you know it You'll be teaching him how to drive enjoy it while he is little and all you have to worry about is poopy underwear instead of wrecking the car lol

  2. Hey, Brianna! Thanks for coming to visit and follow my blog :) Hope things are well with all of you!
