Welcome to Our Blog

This blog was started to allow friends and family to see what is going on in our lives. Sit back, hold on and stay a while. It's going to be a bumpy road with a four year old and a newborn on board.

Monday, June 13, 2011

These Days

These days around my house this is what you mostly see.
Mason in Jaxon's crib letting him watch him play his Nintendo DS.

Mason showing Jaxon how to play with his toys on his walker.

Me and the boys playing on the computer.

Mason playing with Jaxon in the floor.

Mason letting Jaxon watch him play his DS again.

Mason and Jaxon again. :)

Wherever I put Jaxon, that's where you'll find Mason. People keep asking me if Mason is jealous of his brother. You tell me. You can tell he loves him to death. Sometimes so much that he drives Jaxon crazy but don't tell him that. :) Don't get me wrong there have been a couple of days that were hard for Mason and he would get mad because I had to do something for Jaxon and couldn't play with him but for the most part he has adjusted really well. Actually, a lot better than we had expected. Watching these boys grow up together and interact is such a blessing. I have a feeling they will be really close forever.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Porch

Last year we had plans to build a new porch on the back of our house. So we tore down our old porch and all of a sudden our plans had to change and we were left without a porch. For. A. Year. Yes, you read that right. We could not go out our back door for a year. Well, finally we were able to get a porch put on the back. Not exactly the porch that we wanted but it's still a porch and we have been so excited. We're not exactly finished with it but here it is after it was built and before we've done anything except put furniture on it.

Lake Winnie 2011

Every year our church takes the Youth to Lake Winnie for the day. This year we went on May 14th. We took Mason and left Jaxon with my parents. It was a day that we could devote all of our attention on Mason and we all had a great time. He was able to ride some of the big rides this year. He didn't want me to ride anything with him. He's grown so much within the last year. My baby is gone and he's turned into an independent little boy. :(

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Four Months

Four Month Update

Date: June 8, 2011

Weight: 17 pounds 6 ounces

  • Started eating baby food:
Bananas: liked
Apples: loved
Pears: loved
Peaches: liked
Sweet Potatoes: liked
Squash: didn't like
Green Peas: loved
  • Slept in his own room in his crib.
  • Swam in pool for the first time.
  • Rolled from stomach to back.

Rolling over!