Welcome to Our Blog

This blog was started to allow friends and family to see what is going on in our lives. Sit back, hold on and stay a while. It's going to be a bumpy road with a four year old and a newborn on board.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Haven't Forgotten

Ok, so i know it's been over a month since I last posted but I have not forgotten about my few followers. We have been extremely busy this last month. Here's a breakdown:

  • We had Bible School at Church one week and had a blast but was secretly ready for the end because it wore me out SO bad. I helped teach the two, three and four year olds. We had at least 8 to 10 kids every night. They were such a blessing.
  • My mother-in-law has been in the hospital for a month and a half. She's doing better now but it was touch and go for a while. Thanks for the prayers everyone.
  • Tim started working 12 hour swing shifts (which I hate by the way). It was that or go to third shift. He works every other weekend which is better than working every weekend like it was before but it's 12 hours which sometimes leaves me feeling like a single parent.
I will do better from now on, I promise.