Welcome to Our Blog

This blog was started to allow friends and family to see what is going on in our lives. Sit back, hold on and stay a while. It's going to be a bumpy road with a four year old and a newborn on board.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Logic of a 3 year old

Monday night Mason was in the bed and he kept getting up. He needed a drink of juice. He needed his fingernail cut. He needed a bandaid for his booboo. You get the picture. He just didn't want to go to sleep. After about the fifth time of getting up Tim told him that he better not get out of his bed again. I went to check on him a little while later and he didn't have his socks on. The following was our conversation.

Me: Mason, where are your socks?

Mason: I put them in my toy box.

Me: Why did you put them in your toy box?

Mason: Because they were wet.

Me: Why were your socks wet?

Mason: Because I pee-peed in the floor and stepped in it.


Mason: Because my Daddy told me not to get up.

Needless to say I told Tim that he had to be more specific next time and make sure to clarify that getting up to go to the bathroom was okay.

1 comment:

  1. Brianna,

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog!! I appreciate so much your prayers and thoughts for us! Your family is very special to Brad and I :)

