Welcome to Our Blog

This blog was started to allow friends and family to see what is going on in our lives. Sit back, hold on and stay a while. It's going to be a bumpy road with a four year old and a newborn on board.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

30 by 30

A while back a friend of mine posted on her blog a list of 30 things she wanted to do by the time she was 30. I really enjoyed reading her list but at the time I thought I had plenty of time to do that. Yesterday, I realized I have 2 1/2 years until I turn 3-0! I can't believe how time has flown. I thought I better get to work on my list of things I wanted to accomplish. So in no particular order here is my list.

  1. Go to Disney World. (I've never been.)
  2. Cut my hair above my chin.
  3. Learn to paint.
  4. Learn to take better pictures and how to edit them. Maybe even take a class.
  5. Have another baby. (Almost accomplished this one. Due in February! )
  6. Travel farther than I've ever been.
  7. Run a marathon.
  8. Lose weight. (Who doesn't want to do this.)
  9. Write poetry again. Not sure why I stopped.
  10. Take a dance class with my husband.
  11. Learn to like doing stuff by myself.
  12. Be debt free. (Except for my mortgage of course.)
  13. Take a cooking class.
  14. Adopt a dog.
  15. Organize my photos.
  16. Get my scrapbooks caught up.
  17. Attend my 10 year High School Reunion. (Scheduled for next year.)
  18. Learn about my ancestors.
  19. Go on a trip with just my Mom.
  20. Go to the Georgia Aquarium.
  21. Visit a place I've never been.
  22. Go to an Alabama football game. It's sad that I've never been.
  23. Plan a trip to Ireland for my husband. (It's his dream b/c that's where his family is from.)
  24. Learn how to grill.
  25. Get plastic surgery to correct damage from pregnancy. (Doubt I'll ever do this b/c I'm a chicken, but I would love to.)
  26. Save six months worth of living expenses.
  27. Get a makeover.
  28. Start exercising as a family.
  29. Swim with dolphins.
  30. Learn to drive a stick shift.

I'll be sure to let you all know when I accomplish these things. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Great list...looking forward to hearing about you checking your items off :)
