I've decided to start doing a series of posts for the mothers out there that are not sure what they need and do not need for their baby for each months. Remember this is just my opinion so I am in no way telling you what to buy and what not to buy.

Gripe water is wonderful. It is made with organic ingredients and is for upset stomachs, gas, teething and hiccups in infants and babies. It gets rid of Jaxon's upset stomach and gas almost immediately.

The boppy pillow is great for mom's who are breastfeeding. Although I only used it for about two weeks for this purpose, since Jaxon decided he liked the bottle better, I still use it now to prop my arms on while I'm holding him and giving him his bottle. You might not think it would be that hard to hold up an eleven pound baby but after a while he seems more like twenty pounds. This is also great for big brothers and sisters to use to help support the baby when they think they just have to hold them.

The pack n play has been used a tremendous amount. It is in our living room and this is where Jaxon naps during the day. You by no means have to have one but it has been very convenient for us. It also has a changing table on the top and this is where all of his diapers are changed.
(If you look close you can see him sleeping in there now.)
I'm not even sure what the proper name for this is. We call it the wedge. It is adjustable and you can lay your baby in it on his side and it supports him so he doesn't roll over. This has been a necessity around our house since Jaxon WILL NOT sleep on his back. I think I spoiled him letting him sleep on his stomach during the day and then he didn't want to sleep on his back any more. I was not going to let him sleep on his stomach at night though when I couldn't watch him because it has been found that putting them on their stomach increases the odds of SIDS by 50%. That's just not a chance I was willing to take with my son's life. So now he sleeps on his side and he's happy and we're happy because we get to sleep at night. :)

On those days when Jaxon doesn't want to be put down because he has a stomach ache, this item is a God send. I just strap him to the front of my chest while I'm cleaning, or whatever I happen to be doing that doesn't allow me to just sit and hold him, and it soothes him right to sleep. It is also useful when Mason wants to go outside and play. I just strap Jaxon in and take him with us.
Stay tuned to next months list of items.
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