Welcome to Our Blog

This blog was started to allow friends and family to see what is going on in our lives. Sit back, hold on and stay a while. It's going to be a bumpy road with a four year old and a newborn on board.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Three Weeks

Three Week Update

March 1, 2011

9 pounds 6 ounces

  • Jaxon has started to show his temper. When he gets really mad he cries really hard and pulls his hair out of his head.
  • He is already scooting on his back. We lay him in one spot and come back and he has kicked his legs so much he has moved.
  • He loves to be read to.
  • He's having a lot of stomach aches and we're still trying to find a formula that works for him.
  • He still grunts in his sleep and keeps me and his daddy awake a lot. I hope this passes. :)

Two Weeks

2 Week Update

February 22, 2011

9 pounds 6 ounces

  • Jaxon started only taking formula. He didn't want to breastfeed after trying out the bottle.
  • He takes 4 ounces of formula at a time.
  • He sleeps with his arms above his head.
  • His umbilical cord fell off the 21st.
  • He had his first tub bath today. He liked it a whole lot better than the sponge bath.
  • He is still wearing size 1 diapers which he's been in since he was born.
  • He wears size 0-3 months or 3 months. He has outgrown all newborn outfits and a lot of his 0-3 months clothes.
  • He started "tummy time" and lifts his head for short periods of time.
  • When he's awake his legs are going strong all the time. He can't keep them still.
  • He loves to lay on our chests and lay his head on his hands just like Mason did.
  • He is starting to stay awake more. He stays awake for two to three hours during the morning and evening hours.
  • He loves to be worn in a carrier on my chest so he can see everything that's going on around him.
  • He's soothed by reading which Mason loves to do with him.
  • He's very ticklish.
  • His repeat newborn screening came back abnormal and his fatty acids were low. We had to have it repeated and it came back normal this time.
  • He recognizes the voices of me, Tim and Mason and turns his head whenever we are talking.
  • He smiles and laughs out loud in his sleep but doesn't do it while he's awake.

One Week

1 Week Update

February 15, 2011

8 pounds 4 ounces

  • As of last Friday we've been supplementing formula so that Jaxon's jaundice will clear up sooner. Before that he was getting only breast milk.
  • He eats about every three hours.
  • During the night he sleeps about five to six hours at a time only getting up to feed twice after his feeding between 10:00 and 11:00 PM.
  • He is an exceptional baby. He only cries when he's hungry or has a tummy ache.
  • He doesn't like his sponge bath. He gets cold and cries the entire time.
  • When he was born he grunted constantly. He doesn't grunt near as much but he still does occasionally. Mason calls him "little grunter".
  • He doesn't like his pacifier much. He prefers his thumb and index finger together but I'm still trying to force the paci on him.
  • He loves to be swaddled.
  • He has a small birthmark on the back of his left arm.
  • He keeps his hands up in fists around his face just like Mason did. He looks like a little boxer.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

He's Here!

Jaxon Colt Kelley was born Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long. He came into the world screaming his head off and me and his Daddy couldn't be more proud.
He has one very proud big brother. Mason has done extremely well with him. He sits and holds him for hours at a time. He has fed him his bottle, helped give him his bath and helped changed diapers and clothes. So far there has been no jealousy.

Jaxon looks just like his brothers pictures. They could be twins. It's so unreal to see Jaxon laying there and see how much he looks like Mason did.