Sunday, November 6, 2011
Pumpkin Patch 2011
We went to the Pumpkin Patch with our church youth group again this year. We had such a good time but it was a little windy so Jaxon had to leave early with my Mom since he had a double ear infection. Enjoy a few pictures.

8 Months
8 Month Update
Date: October 8, 2011
Weight: 20 pounds 14 ounces
Date: October 8, 2011
Weight: 20 pounds 14 ounces
So I'm a little late getting this post up. It's almost time for the nine month post but better late than never. We've had a lot going on lately and S-O-M-E-O-N-E is into everything and you have to keep your eyes on him at all times.
- Jaxon has gotten four teeth this month. He got his top two bottom teeth and his top right tooth and the one right beside it to the right. I thought babies always got their middle teeth first but his have been a mystery to us on how they're going to come in.
- He started sitting up with the support of his arm. Then, a couple of days later he was sitting up completely without his arm for support.
- He started squealing loudly just to be heard if you're not paying attention to him.
- He woke us up in the middle of the night one night struggling to breathe and after a call to the doctor at 2:00 AM and finally getting him comfortable we determined the next day he had croup. Let me tell you that is one scary thing to have to go through in the middle of the night.
- He also had his first double ear infection.
- He started crawling and you know what that means. You can't keep him in a stationary contraption like a walker. He thinks he has to be on the move at all times.
- He started pulling up on EVERYTHING.
- He's eating more table food and less baby food which makes it so much easier.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Seven Months
Seven Month Update
Date: September 8, 2011
Weight: 20 lbs. 4 ounces
Date: September 8, 2011
Weight: 20 lbs. 4 ounces
- Jaxon finally got two teeth. His bottom front two came in. He's been slobbering f-o-r-e-v-e-r and we didn't ever think he was going to cut any but they're finally here.
- He had his first ear infection. Actually, it was a double ear infection. He had had a runny nose for a while and he got to where he wouldn't eat and for two nights he was up about all night. He wasn't crying or fussing he was just playing but I took him to the doctor and that was what was wrong with him.
- He's learning to sit up a little. He'll sit and prop with his arm for a little while but eventually falls over.
- He's almost crawling. He'll get up on his legs and hands and start going forward and then he will just belly flop to get where he wants to go.
- He's started eating a lot more table food and he loves it. He's slowed down on his formula intake and won't hardly eat any baby food.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Mason started Pre-K
On Wednesday, August 17th my baby started preschool. He's going to Boaz Elementary School. His teachers are Ms. Tommie and Ms. Christie. He had a really good first day and had a lot of fun. He said he didn't like that they made him stand in line and he couldn't get a stupid song out of his head but other than that it was fun. :)
6 Months
Six Month Update
Date: August 8, 2011
Weight: 19 pounds 11 ounces
Height: 28 1/4 inches
Date: August 8, 2011
Weight: 19 pounds 11 ounces
Height: 28 1/4 inches
- Jaxon has learned to give kisses. He will grab your cheeks and come at you with his mouth wide open.
- He loves to look in mirrors and see himself.
- He has learned to take his pacifier out and put it back in himself.
- He started eating table food.
- He won't stay in one place very long.
- We haven't found any food that he won't eat.
- He passed Mason's length and weight when he was six months and Mason was almost two pounds heavier at birth.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Five Months
Five Month Update
Date: July 8, 2011
Weight: 17 pounds 8 ounces
Date: July 8, 2011
Weight: 17 pounds 8 ounces
- You found your feet and won't let them go.
- You ate your first popsicle and loved it.
- You started eating some table food because if we were eating and didn't feed you something you would pitch a fit.
- You can get anywhere you want to go by scooting on your back or stomach.
- You don't like being on your back much these days. As soon as we put you down your flipping onto your stomach.
- You have found your voice and use it constantly.
- You sleep on your stomach now.
- You're drinking 8 ounces of formula at a time unless you're eating too and then you just drink 6 ounces.
Monday, June 13, 2011
These Days
These days around my house this is what you mostly see.
Mason and Jaxon again. :)
Wherever I put Jaxon, that's where you'll find Mason. People keep asking me if Mason is jealous of his brother. You tell me. You can tell he loves him to death. Sometimes so much that he drives Jaxon crazy but don't tell him that. :) Don't get me wrong there have been a couple of days that were hard for Mason and he would get mad because I had to do something for Jaxon and couldn't play with him but for the most part he has adjusted really well. Actually, a lot better than we had expected. Watching these boys grow up together and interact is such a blessing. I have a feeling they will be really close forever.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
New Porch
Last year we had plans to build a new porch on the back of our house. So we tore down our old porch and all of a sudden our plans had to change and we were left without a porch. For. A. Year. Yes, you read that right. We could not go out our back door for a year. Well, finally we were able to get a porch put on the back. Not exactly the porch that we wanted but it's still a porch and we have been so excited. We're not exactly finished with it but here it is after it was built and before we've done anything except put furniture on it.
Lake Winnie 2011
Every year our church takes the Youth to Lake Winnie for the day. This year we went on May 14th. We took Mason and left Jaxon with my parents. It was a day that we could devote all of our attention on Mason and we all had a great time. He was able to ride some of the big rides this year. He didn't want me to ride anything with him. He's grown so much within the last year. My baby is gone and he's turned into an independent little boy. :(

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Four Months
Four Month Update
Date: June 8, 2011
Weight: 17 pounds 6 ounces
Apples: loved
Pears: loved
Peaches: liked
Sweet Potatoes: liked
Squash: didn't like
Green Peas: loved
Date: June 8, 2011
Weight: 17 pounds 6 ounces
- Started eating baby food:
Apples: loved
Pears: loved
Peaches: liked
Sweet Potatoes: liked
Squash: didn't like
Green Peas: loved
- Slept in his own room in his crib.
- Swam in pool for the first time.
- Rolled from stomach to back.
Rolling over!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A couple of Saturday's ago Tim finally mowed the yard. I looked out the door and this is what I saw:
My four year old, Mason, was mowing the yard while my husband watched. Yes, he was really mowing. He has been mowing with Tim since he was about one, but this was his first attempt by himself. He did a great job. If he missed a spot he always got it when he came back around.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Three Months
Three Month Update
Date: May 8, 2011
Weight: 15 pounds 13 ounces
Date: May 8, 2011
Weight: 15 pounds 13 ounces
I can't believe how time flies. Has it been three months already since we went into the hospital and came out a couple of days later as a family of four instead of three?
I went back to work this past week. It has been really hard to leave both of my boys. I did better though than I did with Mason. At least I didn't cry all day. :) Thankfully, I was really too busy at work to think about them that often.
I went back to work this past week. It has been really hard to leave both of my boys. I did better though than I did with Mason. At least I didn't cry all day. :) Thankfully, I was really too busy at work to think about them that often.
- Jaxon is changing so much. His cheeks have filled out so much and he has those chubby legs that only look right on babies.
- Jaxon is sticking his tongue out now if you stick yours out. His Daddy taught him that neat trick. :)
- He started drinking juice out of a sippy cup.
- He loves his bouncy seat.
- If you put a toy in his hand he will hold it himself for a long time.
- He constantly puts his hands in his mouth which makes him slobber all over everything.
- His eyelashes are getting really long and dark like his brother's and daddy's. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones women would die to have.
- We've been putting cereal in his bottle at night so he would sleep longer but he actually is eating it with a spoon now.
- He started sitting in his walker. We still have to put a blanket in front of him so he doesn't bang his mouth on the toys though.
- He started choking a lot and we took him to the doctor b/c at daycare he choked so bad he couldn't breathe. He had an upper GI and was diagnosed with a mild case of acid reflux. He now takes Zantac.
- And the biggest accomplishment this month has been, drum roll please, he's sleeping through the night. Hallelujah! He started the week before I went back to work too. Bless this child. He knew his Mommy needed her sleep. :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert
For Easter I tried a new recipe that we all loved and I thought I would share it with you. I forgot to take a picture of it but it was really pretty too. I took several recipes and combined them and this is what I came up with.
Ice cream sandwiches (I used the mini 100 calorie ones)
peanut butter
cool whip
peanuts, chopped
chocolate of any kind, chopped
Place ice cream sandwiches in bottom of 9X13 pan. Melt peanut butter in microwave and pour over ice cream sandwiches. Cover with cool whip. Sprinkle peanuts and chocolate on top. Place in freezer to allow to harden.
This recipe was so easy! I'll definitely be making it again.
Ice cream sandwiches (I used the mini 100 calorie ones)
peanut butter
cool whip
peanuts, chopped
chocolate of any kind, chopped
Place ice cream sandwiches in bottom of 9X13 pan. Melt peanut butter in microwave and pour over ice cream sandwiches. Cover with cool whip. Sprinkle peanuts and chocolate on top. Place in freezer to allow to harden.
This recipe was so easy! I'll definitely be making it again.
Easter 2011
For Easter we got the kiddos up and went to Sunrise service at 6:00. Mason was upset b/c he didn't get to dress up for that, even though he was in his pajamas and barely awake. :) Afterwards, the men in our church always cook the lady's breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. It was wonderful, by the way. We then had to come home and get ready to be back at church at 10:30. It was kind of hectic b/c we all had to have showers except Jaxon. Then, we all had to get our Easter clothes on. After church, we went to my parent's house for lunch and to hunt Easter eggs. Here are a few of our Easter pictures.

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt
April 16th we met over at a couple from church's house, Kip and Melissa, for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Melissa thought it would be fun for the kids to hunt Easter eggs in the dark with flashlights. We got there about 5:00 and ate soon after and then the kids played outside until it was dark, which wasn't until about 8:00. Of course, it was cold on the day that we had it. I think everyone had a great time though. Here are some pictures from the event.

Some of the men led the kids in The Hokey Pokey while some of the others hid the eggs. It was hilarious.

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