Five Month Update
Date: July 8, 2011
Weight: 17 pounds 8 ounces
Date: July 8, 2011
Weight: 17 pounds 8 ounces
- You found your feet and won't let them go.
- You ate your first popsicle and loved it.
- You started eating some table food because if we were eating and didn't feed you something you would pitch a fit.
- You can get anywhere you want to go by scooting on your back or stomach.
- You don't like being on your back much these days. As soon as we put you down your flipping onto your stomach.
- You have found your voice and use it constantly.
- You sleep on your stomach now.
- You're drinking 8 ounces of formula at a time unless you're eating too and then you just drink 6 ounces.