- Go to Disney World. (I've never been.)
- Cut my hair above my chin.
- Learn to paint.
- Learn to take better pictures and how to edit them. Maybe even take a class.
- Have another baby. (Almost accomplished this one. Due in February! )
- Travel farther than I've ever been.
- Run a marathon.
- Lose weight. (Who doesn't want to do this.)
- Write poetry again. Not sure why I stopped.
- Take a dance class with my husband.
- Learn to like doing stuff by myself.
- Be debt free. (Except for my mortgage of course.)
- Take a cooking class.
- Adopt a dog.
- Organize my photos.
- Get my scrapbooks caught up.
- Attend my 10 year High School Reunion. (Scheduled for next year.)
- Learn about my ancestors.
- Go on a trip with just my Mom.
- Go to the Georgia Aquarium.
- Visit a place I've never been.
- Go to an Alabama football game. It's sad that I've never been.
- Plan a trip to Ireland for my husband. (It's his dream b/c that's where his family is from.)
- Learn how to grill.
- Get plastic surgery to correct damage from pregnancy. (Doubt I'll ever do this b/c I'm a chicken, but I would love to.)
- Save six months worth of living expenses.
- Get a makeover.
- Start exercising as a family.
- Swim with dolphins.
- Learn to drive a stick shift.
I'll be sure to let you all know when I accomplish these things. Enjoy!